Energy Conserving Search Engines

Many of us are used to typing google or yahoo into our search bar when we are in need of looking something up. However, we never realize how much energy we are wasting by clicking those search engines.

Did you know that there are a handful of sites out in the internet that perform the same task as Google or Yahoo while conserving energy?

More examples of green search engines:


Each site resembles google, with a few tweaks added to each individual site to differentiate them.
Instead of having white backgrounds sites such as or have a black background with white text. Computer screens do not use as much energy to display color when using the black background.

It is a combination of the small amount of energy used by the computer and the search engine servers. By having a black background on a search engine site you can save the amount of watts used per hour which adds up every year. Each search uses a small amount, but when you have millions of user usage, it’s substantial. Not to mention the how it creates larger amounts of CO2 being produced with the consumption of energy.

So try something new! Use one of the eco-friendly search engine and make a small difference a day.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    i’m going to start using earthle now!

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